Business Cards

A business card is a printed material with the contact information of the owner. Most often, business cards contain the following information: name, surname, company name and usually the logo, as well as contact information: address, telephone number or numbers, fax number, email address and / or website. Currently, social network addresses such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are also used on business cards.

The business environment has a relatively rigid label - on white paper with dark letters. But nowadays a business card design also allows for a little more free format: colorful printing, performance of various materials and techniques. 350 g / m² paper - standard for business cards. Standard business card sizes are 90x50 mm.

In sectors whose activity is not related to the strict regulations, it is possibly to produce effective business cards. From colored cardboard standard business cards up to transparent plastic business cards with special shape.

Whatever it is, the main purpose of the business card is to show the information about the owner, and we believe that any business card should be unique and memorable.

Examples of works